How to create API keys for Instagram

1. You will need an Instagram account
2. Login to
3. Click on “Manage Clients“:

4. Click on 
5. Fill out the fields, for the “Application Name” enter the name of your company or your app, and for the “Description” just tell that this Instagram app allows the users to integrate Instagram photo galleries in their mobile applications. In the “Website URL” and “Valid redirect URIs” fields, enter "".
6. Now you have a Client ID.
7. Click on “Manage” to enter in your Instagram app, then click on the “Security” tab, uncheck “Disable implicit OAuth:” and click on “Update Client“:

8. URL: “CLIENT-ID” and “REDIRECT-URI” with your info, and then paste the URL in your browser.
9. Authorize the API request
10. You obtain the token (it’s in the URL after “access_token=”)
11. Before using Instagram in your app, you need to add at least a picture in your Instagram account.
12. Paste your CLIENT-ID and your ACCESS TOKEN in your Editor, in Settings > APIs > Instagram: